by racheljcollis | Uncategorized
In this funny and honest TED talk, Dan Harris talks about what it felt like to get some tough 360 feedback. And explains how he eventually discovered the most useful response to that feedback – self...
by racheljcollis | Uncategorized
I have written a post for the QUT Business Insights blog on how to navigate complexity. You can read it here
by Rachel Collis | Uncategorized
Do you ever feel like you might not be the best person for the job? Do you sometimes worry that people will find you out and realise that you aren’t smart enough or knowledgable enough or skilful enough for the job? Do you sometimes get distracted by the fear...
by racheljcollis | Uncategorized
You know, sometimes all you need is twenty seconds of insane courage. Just literally twenty seconds of just embarrassing bravery, and I promise you, something great will come of it – Benjamin Mee (Matt Damon) in ‘We Bought a Zoo’ When was the last time you...
by racheljcollis | Uncategorized
Do you think it is bad to feel ashamed? In this interview, Maarten Aalberse suggests that we have a tendency to feel ashamed about feeling shame and that this causes us problems. He suggests responding to those feelings with empathy and compassion instead of trying to...
by racheljcollis | Uncategorized
I believe that we have been sold a myth. A myth that tells us ‘If you try really, really hard then you can have it all’ – love; money; success; a wonderful family; happy kids; health; a beautiful body; a lovely home… This myth can exhaust us....