by racheljcollis | Coaching, Purpose, Success
Have you got a lovely job or a lousy job? According to Goos & Manning (2007), increasingly there will only be those two options – lovely or lousy? And there will be many more lousy jobs than lovely ones. I am sure that you are aware that technology,...
by racheljcollis | Career planning, Success
US Senator Maxine Waters sparked an internet meme by staunchly and assertively repeating the phrase “reclaiming my time, reclaiming my time” I’ve written a blog post over at The Career Psychologist about what to do when people waste your time at...
by racheljcollis | Career planning, Success
Just to let you know about a new post on The Meaningful Success Project. It suggests a different approach to career planning. You can read it here.
by racheljcollis | Coaching, Success
Working with a coach can be a very valuable experience. It can help you to develop both personally and professionally. But it can also be disappointing. I think that one of the causes of that disappointment is a lack of clarity about the type of conversation needed by...
by racheljcollis | Acceptance and Commitment Training, Happiness, Purpose, Relationships, Success, Values
In order to live a life that is meaningful, you have to be willing to feel pain. If you love deeply, at some point you will be hurt. If you open up enough to be vulnerable, at some point you will feel anxious. If you try to make a positive difference to the lives of...
by racheljcollis | Happiness, Success
Park, Petersen and Seligman found the following values to be consistently associated with life satisfaction: 1 Hope (optimism, future-mindedness, future orientation) 2 Zest for Life (vitality, enthusiasm, vigor, energy) 3 Gratitude (awareness and thankfulness...