What To Do When You Get Tough Feedback In Your 360
In this funny and honest TED talk, Dan Harris talks about what it felt like to get some tough 360 feedback. And explains how he eventually discovered the most useful response to that feedback - self compassion....
What to do when best practice doesn’t work
I have written a post for the QUT Business Insights blog on how to navigate complexity. You can read it here
Podcast – How Authority and Decision-Making Differ Across Cultures
The HBR IdeaCast podcast is consistently interesting. This interview with Erin Myer, from Insead, looks at cultural differences in authority and decision making. Highly recommended.
Podcast – Kim Scott Talking About Radical Candour
How do you challenge people without being harsh? Kim Scott’s book, Radical Candour is excellent. In this interview, she covers some of the key ideas.
QUT ExecInsights Podcast – Rachel Collis on the skills of effective negotiation
DOWNLOAD: iTUNES · MP3 In this podcast Interview, I speaks to Kate Joyner, one of my colleagues at QUT Graduate School of Business, about the complexities and challenges of negotiation and how we are all less rational than we think. You can watch the capuchin monkey...
If you want to be successful, think like an artisan
Have you got a lovely job or a lousy job? According to Goos & Manning (2007), increasingly there will only be those two options - lovely or lousy? And there will be many more lousy jobs than lovely ones. I am sure that you are aware that technology, automation and...